[Trisquel-translators] Get all wiki pages

Rubén Rodríguez Pérez ruben at trisquel.info
Tue Jan 20 22:41:07 CET 2015

El dom, 18-01-2015 a las 09:24 +0100, Christian Wansart escribió:
> Hello,
> I am trying to find all wiki pages to have an overview what needs to be translated. It there a way to get all of them?

To download the whole documentation you can click on the
printer-friendly version at the bottom, but to get an overview there is
this: https://trisquel.info/en/admin/content/translation_overview_manage
It is available to users with the translation role (request if needed).
We have never officially used that tool, but I think it is worth a look.

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