[Trisquel-members] Trisquel Planet

Andrew Lindley andrew at andrewlindley.co.uk
Sat Feb 25 02:25:01 CET 2012

On 24/02/12 21:22, Mario Gervais wrote:
> I am talking about the Official Trisquel website! And i see only
> spanish! I said forget it! I am heading for trisquel-planet.ca 
> By the
> way i asked a month ago to help translate the web site in french and i
> still have no answer... There is section that i can't get access. I
> asked to add pages in the site and i got no answer... 
> Thank you 

I see an English trisquel.info website.  High up on the right just under
the banner are some country flags.  If you're seeing the Spanish site
they are directly under:

Inicio de sesión
Crear nueva cuenta

Clicking the appropriate national flag gets you the appropriate
language.  I can view an alternate site in French.

As to the Planet web pages.  I am a UK English only speaker.  Here we
believe we had the worst language teaching in Europe during my school
years.  That was decades ago and my memory of the little French I
learned is poor.   I have never been taught any Spanish.  Yet I can
readily understand most of what the top two posts say there, enough to
get the software announcement and recommendation from them and what they
are used for.  I am for the Planet page continuing to be a multi-lingual
feed aggregation page.


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