[Trisquel-devel] Trisquel 11.0.1 new ISO set for testing

Luis Guzman ark at switnet.org
Sat Mar 30 19:54:12 UTC 2024

Hello Simon,

En 30/03/24 05:01, Simon Josefsson escribió:
> - Petitboot defaults to select 'Expert Install' instead of 'Default
>    Install' - not sure if this is a Petitboot or Trisquel ISO image
>    issue.  I manually override this to get the default installation
>    experience.

Hmm, interesting, it shouldn't be Expert by default. Maybe some 
environment value is defaulting for it?

> - The installer doesn't know about any apt mirrors, but the
>    archive.trisquel.org URL was known so I just had to press enter
>    anyway.

Yeah, IIRC you have mentioned something alike before on the first 
install you did, but that time you mentioned it was empty and had to be 
manually set the mirror, right?

So this time, you at least get the main one, so a step forward right?

> - The installer uses kernel 6.5 and asks me to select kernel for the
>    resulting system, and I chose the default (linux-image-generic) which
>    gives me a 5.15.0-101 image.

Ok, that is correct, 6.5 meta package is known to be:
linux-generic-hwe-11.0 or linux-image-generic-hwe-11.0

I'm looking at an issue with the udebs at the latest 6.5, hopefully with 
enough info we'll be able to be right on track.


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¡Sé Libre!

Luis A. Guzmán G.
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