[Trisquel-devel] Rev 33: Merge from aklis updated hplip and firefox, added pkglab and kdeutils in file:///home/bzr/package-helpers/trunk/

Ruben Rodriguez ruben at trisquel.info
Thu Jan 12 03:12:16 CET 2012

At file:///home/bzr/package-helpers/trunk/

revno: 33 [merge]
revision-id: ruben en trisquel.info-20120112021641-udky006dfi5j9v6m
parent: ruben en trisquel.info-20120108181535-te1n7d0w84onsnft
parent: kour en member.trisquel.info-20120105193752-dj8zi765d30lai9n
committer: Ruben Rodriguez <ruben en trisquel.info>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2012-01-12 03:16:41 +0100
  Merge from aklis updated hplip and firefox, added pkglab and kdeutils
  helpers/natty/DATA/kdeutils/   kdeutils-20120104195804-qn28mvjvlcek776k-1
  helpers/natty/DATA/kdeutils/ark-unarchiver-03.patch arkunarchiver03.patc-20120104195804-qn28mvjvlcek776k-2
  helpers/natty/make-kdeutils    makekdeutils-20120104195758-1aece8lvwe2oty79-1
  helpers/natty/make-pkglab      makepkglab-20120105020111-bxl0c7axmm1k2ahu-1
  helpers/natty/make-firefox     makefirefox-20111013183006-kort5vdojg012ppm-18
  helpers/natty/make-hplip       makehplip-20111210180322-u73ghqmux1oeapzv-1
------------ pr�xima parte ------------
=== added directory 'helpers/natty/DATA/kdeutils'
=== added file 'helpers/natty/DATA/kdeutils/ark-unarchiver-03.patch'
--- a/helpers/natty/DATA/kdeutils/ark-unarchiver-03.patch	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/helpers/natty/DATA/kdeutils/ark-unarchiver-03.patch	2012-01-04 19:58:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+Index: ark/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
+--- ark/plugins/CMakeLists.txt	(revision 1237729)
++++ ark/plugins/CMakeLists.txt	(working copy)
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ add_subdirectory( clirarplugin )
++add_subdirectory( cliunarchiverplugin )
+ add_subdirectory( cli7zplugin )
+ add_subdirectory( clizipplugin )
+ add_subdirectory( libsinglefileplugin )
+Index: ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/CMakeLists.txt
+--- ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/CMakeLists.txt	(revision 0)
++++ ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/CMakeLists.txt	(revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
++                     ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../..
++                     ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../..
++                   )
++########### next target ###############
++set(kerfuffle_cliunarchiver_SRCS cliplugin.cpp)
++kde4_add_plugin(kerfuffle_cliunarchiver ${kerfuffle_cliunarchiver_SRCS})
++target_link_libraries(kerfuffle_cliunarchiver  ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KIO_LIBS} kerfuffle )
++########### install files ###############
++install(TARGETS kerfuffle_cliunarchiver  DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR} )
++install( FILES kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.desktop  DESTINATION  ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR} )
+Index: ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/cliplugin.cpp
+--- ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/cliplugin.cpp	(revision 0)
++++ ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/cliplugin.cpp	(revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
++ * ark -- archiver for the KDE project
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2011 Luke Shumaker <lukeshu en sbcglobal.net>
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
++ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
++ *
++ */
++#include "kerfuffle/cliinterface.h"
++#include "kerfuffle/kerfuffle_export.h"
++#include <KDebug>
++#include <QDateTime>
++#include <QDir>
++#include <QRegExp>
++#include <QString>
++#include <QStringList>
++using namespace Kerfuffle;
++class CliPlugin: public CliInterface
++    explicit CliPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList & args)
++        : CliInterface(parent, args) {
++        m_indentLevel = 0;
++    }
++    virtual ~CliPlugin() {
++    }
++    virtual ParameterList parameterList() const {
++        static ParameterList p;
++        if (p.isEmpty()) {
++            /* As I'm writing this, I'm noticing that unar is quite limited.
++             * The following limitations are used to tag unused bits of code:
++             *  01 - cannot extract just one file from the archive
++             *  02 - overwrites existing files without prompt
++             *  03 - cannot edit archives
++             *  04 - if a wrong password is given, it fails (usually segfaults)
++             *       without telling what went wrong
++             */
++            ///////////////[ COMMON ]/////////////
++            p[CaptureProgress] = false;
++            //p[PasswordPromptPattern] = 
++            ///////////////[ LIST ]/////////////
++            p[ListProgram] = "lsar";
++            p[ListArgs] = QStringList() << "-json" << "$Archive";
++            ///////////////[ EXTRACT ]/////////////
++            p[ExtractProgram] = "unar";
++            p[ExtractArgs] = QStringList() << "$PasswordSwitch" << "$Archive";
++            //p[NoTrailingSlashes]  = // limitation: 01
++            //p[PreservePathSwitch] = // limitation: 01
++            //p[NoTrailingSlashes]  = // limitation: 01
++            //p[RootNodeSwitch]     = // limitation: 01
++            p[PasswordSwitch] = QStringList() << "-p $Password";
++            p[FileExistsExpression] = "some regexp that nothing will ever _ever_ match"; // limitation: 02
++            //p[FileExistsMode]       = // limitation: 02
++            //p[FileExistsInput]      = // limitation: 02
++            ///////////////[ DELETE ]/////////////
++            p[DeleteProgram] = "x-fakeprogram"; // limitation: 03
++            //p[DeleteArgs]    = // limitation: 03
++            ///////////////[ ADD ]/////////////
++            p[AddProgram] = "x-fakeprogram"; // limitation: 03
++            //p[AddArgs]    = // limitation: 03
++            ///////////////[ ERRORS ]/////////////
++            p[ExtractionFailedPatterns] = QStringList()
++                << "Failed! \\((.+)\\)$"
++                << "Segmentation fault$"; // Why is this so common!?
++            p[WrongPasswordPatterns] = QStringList()
++                //<< "Failed!" // limitation: 04
++                <<  "\\.\\.\\. This archive requires a password to unpack\\. Use the -p option to provide one\\.$";
++        }
++        return p;
++    }
++    QString m_entryFilename, m_internalId;
++    ArchiveEntry m_currentEntry;
++    int m_indentLevel;
++    bool readListLine(const QString &line) {
++        /* lsar will give us JSON output.  However, we actually parse based on
++         * the indentation.  Ugly, I know, but
++         *  1. It's easier
++         *  2. lsar's JSON is invalid JSON, so actual parsers bork.
++         */
++        int spaces;
++        for(spaces=0;(spaces<line.size())&&(line[spaces]==QChar(' '));spaces++){}
++        // Since this is so ugly anyway, I'm not even going to check to
++        // make sure that spaces is even.  I mean, what would I do about it?
++        int m_newIndentLevel = spaces/2;
++        if (m_newIndentLevel>m_indentLevel) {
++            if (m_newIndentLevel==3) {
++                m_currentEntry.clear();
++                m_currentEntry[IsDirectory] = false;
++            }
++        } else if (m_newIndentLevel<m_indentLevel) {
++            if ( (m_newIndentLevel<3) && (m_indentLevel>=3) ) {
++                EntryMetaDataType index = IsDirectory;
++                if (m_currentEntry[index].toBool()) {
++                    m_currentEntry[FileName].toString().append(QString("/"));
++                }
++                kDebug() << "Added entry:" << m_currentEntry;
++                entry(m_currentEntry);
++            }
++        }
++        m_indentLevel = m_newIndentLevel;
++        QRegExp rx("^\\s*\"([^\"]*)\": (.*),$");
++        if (rx.indexIn(line) >= 0) {
++            QRegExp rx_unquote("^\"(.*)\"$");
++            QString key = rx.cap(1);
++            QString value = rx.cap(2);
++            if (false) {
++            } else if (key=="XADFileName") {
++                rx_unquote.indexIn(value);
++                m_currentEntry[FileName] = m_currentEntry[InternalID] = rx_unquote.cap(1);
++            } else if (key=="XADFileSize") {
++                m_currentEntry[Size] = value.toInt();
++            } else if (key=="XADCompressedSize") {
++                m_currentEntry[CompressedSize] = value.toInt();
++            } else if (key=="XADLastModificationDate") {
++                QDateTime ts(QDate::fromString(value, "\"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"));
++                m_currentEntry[Timestamp] = ts;
++            } else if (key=="XADIsDirectory") {
++                m_currentEntry[IsDirectory] = (value=="1");
++            } else if (key=="RARCRC32") {
++                m_currentEntry[CRC] = value.toInt();
++            } else if (key=="RARCompressionMethod") {
++                m_currentEntry[Method] = value.toInt();
++            } else if (key=="Encrypted") {
++                m_currentEntry[IsPasswordProtected] = (value.toInt() != 0);
++            }
++            // TODO: add RAR version. ([Version])
++        }
++        return true;
++    }
+Index: ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.desktop
+--- ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.desktop	(revision 0)
++++ ark/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.desktop	(revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++[Desktop Entry]
++X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Luke Shumaker
++X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=lukeshu en sbcglobal.net
++X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name= kerfuffle_cliunarchiver
++Name=The Unarchiver plugin

=== modified file 'helpers/natty/make-firefox'
--- a/helpers/natty/make-firefox	2012-01-08 18:15:35 +0000
+++ b/helpers/natty/make-firefox	2012-01-12 02:16:41 +0000
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 #    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
 . ./config
-set -x
 # Make ubufox mandatory
 sed 's/psmisc,/psmisc, xul-ext-ubufox,/' -i debian/control*
 sed 's/iceweasel,/iceweasel, firefox, icecat,/' -i debian/control*
@@ -318,10 +318,21 @@
 replace www.mozilla.com/abrowser/central trisquel.info/browser
 replace www.mozilla.com/legal/privacy trisquel.info/legal
+sed -i 's/<a\ href\=\"http\:\/\/www.mozilla.org\/\">Mozilla\ Project<\/a>/<a\ href\=\"http\:\/\/www.trisquel.info\/\"\>Trisquel\ Project<\/a>/g' mozilla/browser/base/content/overrides/app-license.html
 # We went too far...
 replace "Trisquel Public" "Mozilla Public" .
 replace "Trisquel Foundation" "Mozilla Foundation" .
 replace "Trisquel Corporation" "Mozilla Corporation" .
+sed -i 's/iceweasel, abrowser, icecat,/iceweasel, firefox, icecat,/g' debian/control*
 tar -cjf $TARBALL mozilla
 rm mozilla -rf

=== modified file 'helpers/natty/make-hplip'
--- a/helpers/natty/make-hplip	2011-12-12 17:54:06 +0000
+++ b/helpers/natty/make-hplip	2012-01-12 02:16:41 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#    Copyright (C) 2011 Manuel Pedreira		<kour en member.trisquel.info>
+#    Copyright (C) 2011 MPA
 #    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -17,30 +17,24 @@
 #    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
 . ./config
-grep -B 7 'download=True' $final|grep "\["|sed 's/\[//g; s/\]//g' > $file3
-for i in `cat $file3`; do 
-	sed '/\['"$i"'\]/,/^$/d' $file1 > $file2
-	cp $file2 $file1
+grep -B 7 'download=True' $printers|grep "\["|sed 's/\[//g; s/\]//g' > $tmp
+for i in `cat $tmp`; do 
+	sed -i '/\['"$i"'\]/,/^$/d' $printers
-sed 's/plugin=2/plugin=0/g' $file1 > $final
-	cp $file1 $final
+sed -i 's/plugin=2/plugin=0/g' $printers
-rm $file1 $file2 $file3
+rm $tmp
 rm debian/patches/hp_photosmart_pro_b9100_support.dpatch
 sed -i '/hp_photosmart_pro_b9100_support.dpatch/d' debian/patches/00list
-changelog "Removed printers with propietary drivers(required and optional)"
+changelog "Removed printers with propietary drivers (required and optional)"

=== added file 'helpers/natty/make-kdeutils'
--- a/helpers/natty/make-kdeutils	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/helpers/natty/make-kdeutils	2012-01-04 19:58:21 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2012  Santiago Rodr��guez  <santi en trisquel.info>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+. ./config
+#Add support for theunarchiver, patch by Luke Shumaker
+# https://svn.reviewboard.kde.org/r/6730/
+patch -p0 < $DATA/ark-unarchiver-03.patch
+#Drop support for non-free rar 
+sed -i 's/add_subdirectory( clirarplugin )//g' ark/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
+rm -rf ark/plugins/clirarplugin/
+sed -i 's/clirar/cliunarchiver/g' debian/ark.install
+# Limitations 
+#  01 - cannot extract just one file from the archive
+#  02 - overwrites existing files without prompt
+#  03 - cannot edit archives
+#  04 - if a wrong password is given, it fails (usually segfaults)  without telling what went wrong
+changelog "Add support for theunarchiver" 

=== added file 'helpers/natty/make-pkglab'
--- a/helpers/natty/make-pkglab	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/helpers/natty/make-pkglab	2012-01-05 02:02:48 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2011  Santiago Rodr��guez  <santi en trisquel.info>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+EXTERNAL='deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian stable  main'
+. ./config
+changelog "Pkglab compiled for trisquel"
+# Useful packages for checking inconsistencies in repositories 

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