[Trisquel-devel] abrowser addons was Re: Packaged Youtube ALL HTML5

Quiliro Ordóñez Baca quiliro at congresolibre.org
Fri May 23 19:19:54 CEST 2014

El 22/04/14 13:14, Andrew Lindley escribió:
> Again IANAL, however, to a first language English speaker
> grammatically http://flashvideodownloader.org/ is the object of the
> sentence, the [e.g. user's] information received the subject, thus the
> user has no obligations in it.  So AFAICT in the UK it is a contract
> between the author and the end user guaranteeing their data will only
> be used for the purposes in clause 1 just like a privacy policy.

"Before getting down to using this plug-in, please, take the time to
read the
terms of use stated in the current license agreement. Any use of this
implies that you have read and accepted these terms to the fullest extent."

That means that the user accepts and not that the service provider
constrains himself/herself from using that information in certain ways.
It also reveals that information is not private.

> All in all it is a great example of why programmers should always use
> standard licenses and not garnish them with their own T&C's on the
> end.


Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
600 8579

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